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Substance abuse is a formidable opponent, affecting millions of lives worldwide. At Ava Recovery, an inpatient drug rehab in Austin, Texas, we understand the complexities of overcoming substance abuse. Our team is committed to helping individuals on their journey to recovery. In this comprehensive guide,...

Congrats! You've achieved an impressive accomplishment, and you're looking forward to living a sober life! That's awesome, right? We understand how you feel on the first day of your new life. There are no limits to the possibilities! But what happens next? Let’s have a look at...

Without proper medical care, alcohol withdrawal can be fatal. Heavy drinkers and alcoholics may experience withdrawal symptoms soon after discontinuing their sessions. It typically occurs within eight hours of the last drink, but in some cases, it may take longer. Alcoholics may feel uncomfortable and have...

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Ava Recovery is here to help you discover your own individual path to long-term recovery. Contact our caring admissions team right now by calling us or texting with our team 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.