What Are the Signs of Cocaine Use?

What are the Signs of Cocaine Use?

Cocaine is one of the most abused drugs in America with over five million—roughly 2% of the population—reported using it according to a study carried out in 2020.

With such widespread use, it’s possible that someone we know and love could be affected by it. It’s for this reason that it’s so important that we are aware of cocaine use symptoms and cocaine addiction signs.

When you recognize the signs of cocaine addiction, you may be able to help a loved one get treatment and support them. 

In such cases remaining vigilant, alert, and well-informed can make all the difference.

What Is Cocaine?

Cocaine is a mind and mood-altering drug that comes from the leaves of the coca plant. 

Due to its stimulant properties, cocaine produces a feeling of euphoria and affects the central nervous system. The effects of cocaine are similar to those of other stimulants, raising the heart rate and suppressing hunger and fatigue.

The most popular form of consuming the white powder substance is by snorting it. But the drug can also be smoked and injected.

The drug acts quickly in the body, leaving the user with strong cravings once its effect wears off. With each dose, users quickly build tolerance and require more of the drug to feel the same effects. 

A user that is not able to control their cravings could go without sleep and food for many days. Eventually, the drug can lead to strong withdrawals, overdosing, heart failure, and even death.

If cocaine use symptoms are picked up early, family members and friends can help the addict get into recovery.

Signs of Cocaine Use

If a drug is being used, it leaves traces whether it is a physical symptom or a behavioral one.

Let’s review some of the most common cocaine use symptoms and cocaine addiction signs

Physical Cocaine Use Symptoms

Physical symptoms and signs of cocaine use can appear in the body even if the addict hasn’t abused the drug for a long period of time.

The adrenaline rush that cocaine users experience and the stress applied to the heart and other parts of the body also manifest as physical symptoms. Furthermore, they can wear out the organs of the user and lead to additional health problems.

Common physical signs and symptoms of cocaine addiction include:

  • Upbeat and energetic
  • Sensitive to touch, light, or sound
  • Restless
  • Irritable
  • Dilated pupils
  • White powder close to the nose or in property
  • Sweats a lot
  • Bags under the eyes
  • Constant nose congestion
  • Higher body temperature and blood pressure
  • Faster heartbeat
  • Fever
  • Hearth problems
  • Chest pains
  • Headaches

Behavioral Cocaine Use Symptoms

Identifying odd behaviors in someone we love could be the first way we spot cocaine addiction signs.

All drugs alter the mind, which is why all drugs alter behaviors. Each drug causes a different set of behaviors that are unique to it, and some are shared in common with all others.

For example, a person who consumes opiates may appear to be more relaxed and spaced out than someone who uses a stimulant like cocaine—who might act more erratically. A cocaine user is very likely to experience high levels of hysteria.

Common behavioral signs and symptoms of cocaine addiction include:

  • Sleep pattern changes
  • Ignoring hygiene
  • Secrecy
  • Lying
  • Risky behavior
  • Mood swings
  • Paranoia
  • Loss of interest in enjoyable activities
  • Financial problems
  • Intense cravings
  • Depression
  • Suicidal thoughts
  • Irritability
  • Extreme laziness when they are not under the influence
  • Loss of appetite
  • Erratic behavior
  • Changes in eating patterns

Treatment for Cocaine Addiction

Now that you’ve learned to identify cocaine use symptoms and cocaine addiction signs you might come to realize someone close to you could be using cocaine.

In such cases, it’s best to extend a helping hand and offer them the option to get into recovery.

If you are not sure how to help you can always contact the team of professionals at Ava Recovery who are always readily available to extend a hand to those in need of recovery.

Their luxury facilities are located in Buda, Texas – right outside of Austin. They offer top-notch evidence-based and holistic treatments for cocaine abuse.

Contact Ava Recovery today, a specialist is waiting to help you!

Don't Wait Another Day.

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