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Tips for Finding a Job After Rehab Ends

Tips for Finding a Job After Rehab Ends

Recovering from substance abuse is a very difficult process, and finding a job right after rehab can be a challenge. Many individuals who are recovering find it difficult to secure and maintain their employment after rehab.

If you want to gain more information about finding a job after rehab, you have come to the right place. This article will give you some tips and advice for securing employment during the recovery process.

Obstacles to Anticipate 

Before you begin your search for a new job, it’s important to anticipate common obstacles. Knowing about the obstacles beforehand will allow you to prepare accordingly so that you know how to behave when these obstacles arise.

The most difficult part of searching for employment after rehab is finding a place that is safe and welcoming during your recovery. From there, you have to learn how to manage your stress so that you don’t fall back on your addictive behavior.

During the entire process, expect to undergo stress and pressure that may tempt you to fall back on your old ways. It’s important that you remember everything that you learned in recovery so that you can continue living a sober life while looking for a new job.

5 Tips for Finding a Job After Rehab 

Now that we know some obstacles to anticipate, here are five tips for getting a job after rehab:

Expect Setbacks 

Make sure to have the right expectations. For example, expect setbacks. Everyone experiences setbacks while on the job hunt. Keep your expectations realistic so that you don’t get burnt out or disappointed along the way.

Use the Resources You Have 

Whenever you first start looking for potential jobs, use the resources you have at your disposal. Your rehab facility may have some resources and ideas to help you find a place of employment. You might even have networks from your past job. Think outside the box to utilize what resources you have.

Take Advantage of Assistance 

In addition to looking at your current resources, take advantage of assistance programs that different companies offer. These assistance programs will offer you more resources to ensure you get the best chance of securing a job. Nonprofit organizations and your own rehab facility will offer assistance programs.

Look Online

The best way to find jobs today is by looking online. Practically everyone posts their job offerings online on job hunt sites. Browse for options online. You can apply online, but it’s also a good idea to introduce yourself in person so they can put a face to the application. 

Prioritize Your Recovery 

The most important tip when finding a job after rehab is to prioritize your recovery. The job hunt will be stressful, and you want to stay sober throughout the process. Keep attending your rehab meetings and doing everything in your power to utilize coping mechanisms.

If you feel that you are slipping while you are finding a job after rehab, contact your rehab program or doctor for assistance. They will be able to provide you with some tips, advice, and medical resources to stay sober during this stressful time.

Get Help Finding a Job After Rehab 

Finding a job at your rehab is imperative to transition back to your normal life. By using the five tips above, you will find the process of getting a job after rehab a little bit easier, though it will still be difficult.At Ava Recovery, we can help you all throughout the recovery process, from inpatient treatment to employment assistance after rehab. Give Ava Recovery a call today so we can help you in the process of finding a job after rehab.

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