Is Adderall Addictive?

adderall addiction, can adderall be addictive

Prescription drugs are for the most part great at achieving their medical goals; however, they may also pose a risk of addiction for users that take them in a way different than directed.

With nearly one in every ten school-aged children suffering from ADD/ADHD, parents must be well informed about the risk that may come with taking Adderall, a drug used for its treatment.

This begs the question — can Adderall be addictive?

What Is Adderall?

Adderall is a prescription stimulant that is used to treat attention deficit disorders. Patients usually take it in pill form, but it can also be taken as a liquid, capsule, or tablet.

ADD/ADHD is a common neurodevelopmental disorder that’s mostly diagnosed in childhood; however, it can remain through adulthood. 

Patients suffering from ADD/ADHD have difficulties concentrating and focusing due to their hyperactivity disorder. 

In such cases, Adderall may be prescribed for the treatment of hyperactivity. The drug increases the activity of dopamine and norepinephrine in the brain helping patients to regain their focus when taken as directed.

However, the drug effects may lead others to take it for recreation purposes, non-medical purposes, or different than directed, which could lead to addiction.

The drug has become popular among college students who may abuse it in order to stay awake longer or to complete school work.

Is Adderall Addictive

The short answer is yes, misusing any prescription stimulant can lead to addiction and substance abuse disorders (SUD)

Adderall can cause the patient to develop tolerance to its effects, which may lead to overconsumption. A patient may build resistance to its effects and requires more of the drug to get the same effects. Overconsumption of Adderall could lead to life-threatening consequences like overdosing.

Recreational Adderall use can quickly progress into an addiction. Adderall misuse is most common among teens and young adults, but anyone can be affected by it.

What Are the Signs of Adderall Addiction?

A person who misuses Adderall will demonstrate signs of addiction.

Some Adderall addiction signs to look out for include:

  • Talkativeness, sociability, and quick thinking
  • Overconfidence and a feeling of grandeur
  • The feeling of nervousness, anxiety, and panic
  • Seeing multiple doctors to get more than one prescription
  • Taking Adderall in odd ways such as crushed or snorted
  • Fear of running out
  • Obsessing about the drug and spending a great deal of time talking about it
  • Making up excuses to take more
  • Obsessive compulsiveness such as being overly organized or obsessing about details
  • Financial difficulties
  • Trouble with the law
  • Keeps saying a dose is not enough

What Are the Symptoms of Adderall Addiction?

Understanding the symptoms of Adderall addiction may help us in assisting a loved one when they are in need of treatment. 

This is particularly important for parents to understand, as children may not be able to have enough self-awareness at a young age to identify the problem on their own.

Some of the common symptoms of Adderall addiction are:

– Irritability

– Anxiety

– Depression

– Insomnia

– Weight loss or weight gain

– Headache

– Nausea

– Tachycardia (increased heart rate)

What to Do if Addictive Signs Are Observed?

Can Adderall be addictive? It sure can! If you or a loved one is having difficulties coping with Adderall addiction, then it’s time to get help!

Ava Recovery is a luxury rehab located in Buda, Texas – right outside of Austin. Ava offers a world-class luxury experience at their evidence-based, drug and alcohol rehab facility. Ava Recovery is a luxury addiction recovery center with expertise in treating Adderall addiction.
Contact Ava Recovery to speak to a specialist and find the treatment that’s best suited for you or your loved ones.

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