Who We Are

Kristen Campbell, LCDC

Equine-Assisted Psychotherapist Kristen Campbell, LCDC

What is your role at Ava Recovery? What does that look like day to day?

Equine-Assisted clinician. Spends days facilitating a safe and healing environment for both clients and horses through building relationships with them


What is your background?

Undergraduate degree in rehabilitation studies from University of North Texas and is Natural Lifemanship trained practitioner


Why do you love working at Ava Recovery?

Loves the gift of spending my working hours building connection with our herd (both human and horse) and fostering an environment that is truly trauma-informed (not just saying we are trauma informed)


Why do you love working in this industry?

Working in this field makes a purpose of my pain and helps others learn how to do the same.


What are you most passionate about professionally? Personally?

I am most passionate about helping horse and human come into their body so they no longer have to be alone. I am passionate about creating real-time lived experience of relationships that allow for mistakes and caring repair. I am excited about all things equine and bringing creativity and child-like curiosity into all we do.


Don't Wait Another Day.

Ava Recovery is here to help you discover your own individual path to long-term recovery. Contact our caring admissions team right now by calling us or texting with our team 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.